Kipper is a trans designer who designs products for a shifting world.
He’s passionate about emotional and intuitive design & loves to set a mood. ︎
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Knit Wiggle

Interior Design
Product Design
Exhibition Design

The Knit Wiggle is a variation of my Wiggle Walls and was developed in collaboration with Yukti V. Agarwal. This inflatable seat is wrapped in a highly engineered knit wool-elastic blend that expands to reveal hidden gradients as it inflates. As needed, the seat inflates in under 30 seconds to become a modular dividing wall, create moments of privacy. 

Canvas, cotton, elastometric yarns, merino wool, nylon ripstop, wooly nylon yarns
Knit Wiggle © 2024

Inquire about the Knit Wiggle


kip.reinsmith (at) gmail (dot) com


Kipper Thomas Reinsmith designs objects that celebrate unique ways of being in the world. Centering joy as a lead design principle, his work encourages perspective shifts by exploring nontraditional ways of occupying the interior. Before RISD, Kipper worked as a creative director and producer for Square/Block, YouTube, VICE and more. Kipper graduated from New York University with a BFA in film and television production with a focus in documentary. Master of Industrial Design @ RISD ︎ May ‘24