Kipper is a trans designer who designs products for a shifting world.
He’s passionate about emotional and intuitive design & loves to set a mood. ︎
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The New Yoga Chair
Product Design
This yoga chair is the replacement for the standard backless folding metal chair found in Iyengar yoga studios.  Meant to elevate the stretching experience, the steambent parts allow for an organic curvalineature form that mimics the form of a down dog stretch.

The steambent back rest is designed to perfectly intersect the midback and thoracic spine.  The missing lumbar support allows users to sit backwards, using the back arch as leverage for twisting spinal rotations.  

Ash, Cherry, Brass
© 2023


Left: The standard Iyengar yoga chair found in studio and at-home settings. This utilitarian object is simply a standard folding chair with the backrest removed.


kip.reinsmith (at) gmail (dot) com


Kipper Thomas Reinsmith designs objects that celebrate unique ways of being in the world. Centering joy as a lead design principle, his work encourages perspective shifts by exploring nontraditional ways of occupying the interior. Before RISD, Kipper worked as a creative director and producer for Square/Block, YouTube, VICE and more. Kipper graduated from New York University with a BFA in film and television production with a focus in documentary. Master of Industrial Design @ RISD ︎ May ‘24