Silent Fidget
Product Design
Hand-machined in aluminum on a Bridgeport Mill and fitted with a steel ball bearing, this is the fidget toy you need in your meeting. Silent and discreet, fidget all day without annoying those around you. Ball bearing fits precisely in all 6 faces allowing for full 360 rotation.

Designed for RISD’s Metals II, Industrial Design, 2023


kip.reinsmith (at) gmail (dot) com


Kipper Thomas Reinsmith designs objects that celebrate unique ways of being in the world. Centering joy as a lead design principle, his work encourages perspective shifts by exploring nontraditional ways of occupying the interior. Before RISD, Kipper worked as a creative director and producer for Square/Block, YouTube, VICE and more. Kipper graduated from New York University with a BFA in film and television production with a focus in documentary. Master of Industrial Design @ RISD ︎ May ‘24