Compostable Compost Bucket

Product Design
Composting is a dirty business.  The average lifecycle of a compost bucket is one to three years, depending on usage and habits. It’s counterintuitive, 
creating compost in something that will eventually go in the landfill. So why not compost it also?

Birch, Ash, Beeswax, Stainless Steel, 2023

This compostable bucket with reusable steambent handle is made from a turned greenwood birch log and covered in beeswax to seal it. In a few years, or whenever it gets gross, simply toss with the rest of your compost and get a new one.

This version is a miniature prototype but is also tailored to how I use a compost bucket personally. I toss my compost after each meal or whenever it’s full. This enables me to keep the compost bucket open and on the counter as I’m cooking without it getting too gross.



kip.reinsmith (at) gmail (dot) com


Kipper Thomas Reinsmith designs objects that celebrate unique ways of being in the world. Centering joy as a lead design principle, his work encourages perspective shifts by exploring nontraditional ways of occupying the interior. Before RISD, Kipper worked as a creative director and producer for Square/Block, YouTube, VICE and more. Kipper graduated from New York University with a BFA in film and television production with a focus in documentary. Master of Industrial Design @ RISD ︎ May ‘24